XL3SetProperty Connection

With V9.1 we can dynamically change a connection during runtime, using XL3SetProperty.
The general statement looks like this:
=XL3SetProperty("connection","<<NumberOfTheBaseConnection>>","copy",  “<<numberOfTheAlternativeConnection”)

To get this to work you need at least 3 connections to your source
1 = Connection to your base source (This will be your “working” connection)
2 = Connection to your alternative source
3 = Connection to your base source  (You need this to be able to switch back to your base source)

In this example we are using 1 as working , 5 as alternative and 6 as base source.
Add a slicer to your report which fills a cell with the connection you want to use:

Add a cell with the following formula:

Be sure to have your working connection between quotes! And the cell properties of B1 should be set to “text”.

Till Next Time


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