XLCubed clickable region in image

We needed a Q&D way for our clients to indicatie te location of their pain in/on there body.

This is how we did it using XLCubed:
- Import a picture into Excel, either using Matt Parkers site: Pic to Excel. Or use a bit of C#: PicToExcelV2

! Don't go overboard with the resolution, larger then 50 x 50 will kill the performance of the browser!

Basically you will get a sheet with lots of small cells where the background color is the pixel color:

Each cell has the following formula:
"=XL3Link(XL3Address($A$1);" ";3;XL3Address($CA$55);"Click 23,15  ";"XL3Tooltip";"Click to indicate were you have pain")

The yellow numbers are the X and Y coordinates.

Use a viewport to integrate on other pages:


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